Best Window Cleaning Equipment & Supplies Toronto [2022]


Looking for proper window cleaning equipment for deep cleaning of the windows in Toronto?

Well, it is immensely important in this weather to have a complete kit ready for cleaning the windows. With the right tools, cleaning your windows doesn’t have to be a chore. The best window cleaning tools are the right size and design for your windows and are easy to use.

To help you figure out all the main equipment used to keep your windows clean and streak-free. In this article, we have listed some of the Best Window Cleaning & Washing Equipment that you should know about.

Shining windows signify the cleanliness of the place. However, it can only be achieved when you have all the resources in your hand to do the job.

Sometimes window cleaning can be dangerous too so a kind suggestion is that you should let professional window cleaners in toronto do this job as properly cleaned windows contribute a lot to the first impression of your house or building on any person.

If we talk about high–rise office buildings in Toronto, then well-maintained glass windows symbolize professionalism.

Using The Right Equipment For Cleaning Windows

In the past, when you had to clean your windows with paper towels or a newspaper and Windex, there was no avoiding streaks. Today, you can clean your windows streak-free with cleaning agents , tools and techniques.

We understand that cleaning windows is the last thing somebody wants to do in their free time so for that you can rely on us for the best service. We offer cleaning services in Toronto and the nearby areas. Normally you can do the scrubbing and cleaning by yourself to clean the windows but it won’t be as effective as when done by the professionals.

In case of residential window cleaning, If you live on one floor, a handheld or short-pole squeegee may be fine, but if you have to clean high rise building windows , you’ll need a longer pole in the 30-foot range. Squeegee blades also come in multiple sizes, usually ranging from 8 to 14 inches. If your windows have small panes, choose a smaller blade that will fit the space.

DIY Cleaning Windows At Home — STEPS

Every homeowner should know how to clean their windows. It’s a simple and inexpensive task that can be performed without much effort.

You will need to gather some simple tools and supplies before you begin. You’ll need a pail of water, a squeegee with a new blade, a stripping tool (which looks like a special scraper), lint-free cloths and paper towels, and a window cleaning solution. If you don’t have any of these items available, you can purchase them at your local hardware store for minimal cost.

To begin,

  • Pour one gallon of hot water into your bucket.
  • Then add one cup of rubbing alcohol and two tablespoons of liquid dish soap.
  • Mix thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved.
  • Dip your lint-free cloth into the solution and wring it out so it is just damp.
  • Wipe down the window frame first to remove dirt and dust that could get into the glass later on.
  • Next, dip your stripping tool into the solution and scrape away any paint or caulk that may be stuck to the glass or frame.
  • This is also an important step if you were unable to remove all of the stickers during preparation.
  • Run the tool along both sides of each pane to loosen as much paint or caulk as required.

Best Window Cleaning Equipment Tools & Supplies

To focus close attention on your windows, scrapers, squeegees, and microfiber pads are used to keep your glass pristine. Professional holsters and belts help custodians to keep tools organized. Professional cleaning kits have a variety of handheld brushes and pads for detailed work and the most important thing is that these tools can reach up to every corner. Have a look at the listed best window cleaning equipment used in Toronto, required for deep window cleaning as they will take your glass cleaning to a new level!


A squeegee will make your windows sparkle. Just be sure to keep the rubber blade clean and dry so you don’t scratch the glass.

Window washing solution

Mix 1 part ammonia or vinegar to 10 parts water. You also can buy commercial cleaners from your hardware or grocery store. Avoid using detergents, as they tend to leave streaks. If you have tinted windows, check with the manufacturer before using any type of cleaner on them.


Stainless steel S-Channel with a soft replaceable rubber has a notched system that securely holds squeegee rubber while the channel prevents slipping side to side, wobbling, or bending.

Auto Squeegee

It is a product having a squeegee and scrubber in one. A heavy-duty mesh scrubber is a must for the window cleaning process as it helps in cleaning the hard-to-remove build-up on windows.

Bucket with Sieve

The cleaning bucket for windows is handy and lightweight. Mostly it is a stainless steel sieve so that it is easier to wring out window washers or clothes. It is helpful for washers and squeegees and holds 4.5 gallons and 14 washers so the job is done quite easily and quickly.

Liquid Glass Cleaners

A liquid glass cleaner is a must for proper cleaning. It loosens and dissolves dirt and greasy marks present on the glass, and dries quickly without streaking. It leaves behind a smooth surface for squeegees to glide across. Professionals opt for biodegradable, non-toxic, and skin-friendly cleaners as many times they have to clean the windows of households having little kids.


A scraper can easily remove any kind of obstruction on the windows while cleaning like tape, stickers, paint, and construction debris like stucco. It comes with a protective cap and reversible blade that has two razer edges ideal for cleaning large surfaces, scraping off paint, etc.

Use it for removing dried paint spots and any other tough dirt that remains after washing. A razor blade may be used for scraping; however, caution must be used when doing so, especially on single-pane glass that is more susceptible to damage from scrapers.

When using a scraper hold it at an angle (approximately 30 degrees) and scrape in one direction only, using light pressure. Never use a circular motion while scraping as this will cause damage to the glass surface itself.


A washer is superior for cleaning as it particularly has high water absorption, allowing glass surfaces to be applied with water and cleaning chemicals quicker. A good washer has two abrasive pads that provide extra scrubbing power. The sleeves of the washer are available in different materials. What you require depends upon the surface of your window.

Rubber Gross Packs

A Rubber Gross Packs is ideal to use in cooler temperatures. It conforms to uneven surfaces. The rubber is also the main component for every squeegee as it is an element that comes into direct contact with glass and dirt. A real vulcanized natural rubber, which is compression molded, is ideal to use for cleaning purposes as it can provide a better glide with streak free performance.

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Northern Touch Window Cleaning Toronto
Northern Touch Window Cleaning Toronto

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